About this Course
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Launch your career with a Machine Learning Certificate from a top program. Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed.In the past decade, machine learning has given us self-driving cars, practical speech recognition, ...

100% Online

Online Live Interactive + Recorded Sessions

10 Online Live Interactive

Watch recorded in case you miss any live session

20 Recorded Video Sessions

Watch recorded sessions to clear concepts and work on assignments.

5 Weeks Timeline

percent guarantee to learn Python from basics and then covering up machine learning concepts along with 7 project implementation ! Face Recognition System, Handwritten Digit Recognition, Air Quality Prediction, Amazon Recommendation System, Diabetes Classification, Word Analogies and Dominant Color Extraction.

Whatsapp Group For Discussions

Reach out team members of batch, best coders and instructors

Skills you will gain

Machine Learning
Resume Skills
Best Projects
Development Skills
Face Recognition System
Handwritten Digit Recognition
Air Quality Prediction
Amazon Recommendation System
Diabetes Classification
Word Analogies
Dominant Color Extraction

100% Online

Online Live Interactive + Recorded Sessions

10 Online Live Interactive

In case you miss any online live session, watch same as recorded

20 Recorded Video Sessions

Watch recorded sessions to clear concepts and work on assignments.

5 Weeks Timeline

percent guarantee to learn Python from basics and then covering up machine learning concepts along with 7 project implementation ! Face Recognition System, Handwritten Digit Recognition, Air Quality Prediction, Amazon Recommendation System, Diabetes Classification, Word Analogies and Dominant Color Extraction.

Whatsapp Group For Discussions

Reach out team members of batch, best coders and instructors

Course : AI Mafia: Python + Machine Learning A to Z


Building Foundation : Python Core

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Introduction to Python
Data Types
Python Objects, Numbers & Booleans, Containers
Operators - Arithmetic,Bitwise,Comparison,Assignment
Conditions - if-else, if-elif-else
Loops - for, while
Break and Continue Statements
Practicing problems on Hackerrank
Daily practice exercise

Project 1 : Send Email using Python

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Mini project Using SMTP library, send emails using python to anyone
Daily practice exercise

Python Data Structures

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Lists - Object, Methods, List Comprehension
Tuples - Object, Methods, Immutability
Strings - Object, Methods, Splitting, Joining, Format Function
Sets, Dictionary, View Objects
OOPS Concepts and Working with Files
Practicing problems, Become 4 Star Coder on Hackerrank
Daily practice exercise

Project 2 : Automate Tinder using Python

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Mini project Using PyAutoGUI, automating tinder requests
Daily practice exercise

Version Control System : Git

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
What is Git?
Git vs Github
Git Bash vs GUI
Setting up Git on machine
Hands on Git Commands
Setting up account and repository
Pushing codes over Github
Practicing - Getting comfortable with Git
Daily practice exercise

Python Libraries in Depth : 1

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Numpy - Ndarray Object
Numpy - Data Types
Numpy - Indexing and Slicing
Numpy - Broadcasting
Numpy - Stacking and Splitting
Numpy - Operators
Numpy - Linear Algebra Methods
Numpy - Statistics
Daily practice exercise

Python Libraries in Depth : 2

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Pandas - Series
Pandas - Dataframes
Pandas - Indexing and Selection
Pandas - Reading CSV, Excel and JSON
Matplotlib - Visualization Scatter Plot
Matplotlib - Visualization Bar Graph, Histogram and Curves
Solving Assignment - Numpy and Pandas
Daily practice exercise

Project 3 : Web Crawler using BeautifulSoup

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Learning and build cool stuff using web scraping in python
Daily practice exercise

Getting Started with Machine learning

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
What is Machine Learning
Why Machine Learning
Different ML Algo Classifications
Challanges in Machine Learning
Math Intelligence
Applications in Various Verticals
Set up and Installation - Anaconda and Libraries
Daily practice exercise

Regression Techniques

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Linear Regression - Mathematical Intuition
Gradient Descent in Depth
UnderFitting and Overfitting
Performance Evaluation
Implementation of LR from Scratch without using Scikit Learn
Implementation of LR from using Scikit Learn
Multivariate Regression
Solving Assignment - Linear Regression
Daily practice exercise

Project 4 : Air Quality Prediction

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Predicting Air Quality using Multivariate Linear Regression
Daily practice exercise

Logistic Regression

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Classification Problems vs Regression Problems
Likelihood Estimation and Loss
Gradient Ascent in Depth
Independent Events
Log Estimation
Implementation of LR from Scratch without using Scikit Learn
Solving Assignment - Logistic Regression
Daily practice exercise

Project 5 : Diabetes Classification

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Use Logistic Regression to classify diabetic patients
Daily practice exercise

K-Nearest Neighbors

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Lazy Learners
KNN Issues
Curse Of Dimensionality
Non Paremetricity
Implementing Nearest Neighbours Algorithm
Learning OpenCV
Solving Assignment - K-Nearest Neighbors
Daily practice exercise

Project 6 : HandWritten Digit Recognition

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Using MNIST Dataset to perform Digit Recognition using KNN
Daily practice exercise

Project 7 : Face Recognition

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Working with Images and Live Video Streaming
Detect faces using OpenCV and Machine Learning.
Daily practice exercise

Project 8 : Build Snapchat Filter using OpenCV

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Learn to process Live Webcam stream
Apply Moustach and goggles to faces using OpenCV
Daily practice exercise

KMeans Clustering

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Getting Started with Unsupervised Learning
Pizza Parlour Case Study
Implementing Clustering Algorithm from Scratch
Implementing Clustering Algorithm using Scikit-Learn
Problems with K-Means
Solving issues using DBSCAN
Daily practice exercise

Project 9: Dominant Color Extraction

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Repaint an image using K-Means Clustering.
Daily practice exercise

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Natural Language Feature Engineering - converting text to features
Text Analytics, Tokenization, Chunking
Document Term Matrix
Stop word removal
Regular Expression
Bag of Words, CountVectorizer
Daily practice exercise

Project 10: Recommendation System

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Fetching women apprael's data from Amazon Product Advertising API
Text Based Recommendation System on Amazon Real Data
Exploratory Data Analysis
Building Vocabulary
Euclidean Distance, Cosing Similarity
Daily practice exercise

Word Embeddings & Neural Networks

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Word2Vec Model
Word Analogies
Learn to implement Word2Vec and learn interesting analogies in an unsupervised manner.
Neural Nets & Multi Layer Perceptron Classifier Introduction
Daily practice exercise

Project 11: Odd One Out

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Selecting Odd one out from multiple words using word vector representation.
Daily practice exercise

Career Guidance

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Resume Building
Discussion on Project Explanation in Interviews
How to prepare anbd apply for off-campus Interviews?
Further Steps and Resources
Closure of AI Mafia
Daily practice exercise
Read Reviews Chevron Right

Top reviews for AI Mafia

Swapnil Powar, 2018, DSI Bangalore

Everything is taught from basics, Very helpful mentor and easy to learn concepts, Well designed assignments, great learning experience with AI Mafia.

Avirup Aditya, 2nd Year, STCET, Kolkata

I was always interested in learning ML and looking for good resources. At that time Coding Club India came with this course and I joined. I really liked the this course is progressing.

Soumyadeep Paul, 2022 Batch, IIIT Delhi

This course was helpful as it was a very good course to provide the basics of machine learning. It is a good course to start and then take some other big courses to expamd the knowledge. It also provided us 7 projects to put in our cv. It was beneficial as there were live sessions where sir used to solve the doubts we had.

Aman, 2018, DTU

I could learn some most difficult concepts like distributions easily and in a short period of time. I also worked on some interesting projects which made things more clear and now I can add them to my resume.

Vishal Mishra, 3rd, SVNIT

Abhishek sir is super as he knows how to deliver the things so that it can be grasped by students. He make things really easy to understand and keeps on sharing some important article, videos to add understanding of the concept.

Shubham Kumar, 3rd year, SDM College Of Engineering, Dharwad

Sir,I am very glad to have you as my mentor for this course.Your teaching technique is very nice.The way you clear our doubts is very perfect and to the point.

Aniket Sood, 1stYear, Punjab Engineering College

These 4 weeks were very amazing for me from learning basic python to ML algos and git it was all due to guidance of Abhishek Sir who helped us all giving time for completion and his teaching was awesome. Yes he is a great teacher and I feel lucky to be taught by him. Thanks Sir.

Prakhar Gupta, ,NIT, Patna

It is easy to understand with live sessions and we can clear our doubts as well. We are given with the full solutions of the assignments as well.

Dhruvam Zaveri, 2nd, CHARUSAT

I learnt python and ML. Due to proper understanding of the algorithms I am trying to implement ML in different languages from scratch.

S R Siddharth, 2nd Year, NIT Calicut

I always wanted to learn machine learning since the moment I entered college, but all the workshops that I have attended before on ML directly used the inbuilt libraries for regressions and all. But this is the first course that I have encountered that coded every thing from scratch , which really helped in the understanding and implementation of these ML algorithms. Now I have clear cut idea on all concepts such as opencv , which were high-fi terms for me before. Now I am confident enough to do ML projects on my own with the knowledge I recieved.

Shreya Roy

sir is very good ... if I had doubt he explained it many times and always available for us .. thank you sir


Sir, you are best, I think you must be in our college, your teaching style is very nice, thank you sir.

Pranav Singh, 3rd Year, Manipal University Jaipur

Despite having a full time job,Abhishek sir is more than happy to guide us through whenever we wanted help.His approach is thorough and easy to grasp at the same time.Those are the two things that makes his teaching wholesome.

Naveen Meena, 2nd Year, NSUT

Abhishek sir is the best mentor I have studied from till now. Anytime I stuck with any topic he always helped me. He was available every time for us. And I am very sure he will help me in my future ;)

Krutika Deshpande, 3rd Year, MIT Manipal

He is a great mentor. He teaches in a simple manner and makes us feel very comfortable to ask doubts. Love the way he teaches the concepts, and gives good examples.

C Kaushik, 2nd Year, NITW

Abhishek Gupta Sir is very competent and teaches very well.Also he teaches to the point and doesn't waste much time in explaining unimportant things.Thank You.

Arpit Chachane, 3rd year, MANIT Bhopal

Great mentorship from abhishek sir's side, was able to understand concepts from scratch quite well under his guidance.

Akanksha, 2nd Year, GTBIT

I didn't know anything about Machine Learning before. This course introduced me to a lot of cool things about Machine Learning, it's trends etc.

Riya Rohilla, 2nd Year, IGDTUW

My thinking capacity is increased as here assignments are given per week. This helped me to reinforce my concepts.



Rishabh Jain

CEO/Founder Coding Club India, Ex-Directi, Ex-DTU, Passionate for building tech products, hacking and finding loop holes.

Abhishek Gupta

SDE-1 at Zomato | Instructor - AI Mafia at Coding Club India | Smart India Hackathon Winner'19 | Empowering Students in DSA & Interviews. Skilled in Python, C++, Shell Scripting, Machine Learning, and Spring MVC.

About Coding Club India

Coding Club India is largest community of coders covering colleges across India, connecting coders and mentors. ...

Start Learning Today

The BEST reviewed course in India for Python and Machine Learning ! Learn and develop projects like Face Recognition System, Handwritten Digit Recognition, Air Quality Prediction, Amazon Recommendation System, Diabetes Classification, Word Analogies and Dominant Color Extraction.
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the prerequisites ?

  • Which platform problems will be covered after learning Python ?

  • What is process after covering Python ?

  • What all projects will be covered ?

  • What will be the timings of online live Youtube interactive sessions ?

  • What is duration of the course ?

  • What is the expiry of course resource links ?

  • How you will accessing the course and discuss for doubts?

  • What if I miss any live session ?

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