About this Course
243998 recent views

This course will help you to learn Core Java, Advanced Java, Database, Spring MVC Frambwork, RESTful APIs, Micro-services & related technologies to build Java-based web applications. The course will be mentored & guided by the Industry expert having hands-on experience in design, development & maintenance of Java (Spring MVC) based web applications. The course includes projects based on real-world applications with guided lab sessions. It will be an online live (Live Stream) class, so you can attend this class from any geographical location. It will be an interactive live session, where you can ask your doubts to the instructor (similar to offline classroom program).

100% Online

Online Live Interactive + Recorded Sessions

15 Online Live Interactive

Watch recorded in case you miss any live session

25 Recorded Video Sessions

Watch recorded sessions to clear concepts and work on assignments.

7-8 weeks duration

percent guarantee to learn Java from basic to expert level. Covering each topic with best example practices.

Whatsapp Group For Discussions

Reach out team members of batch, best coders and instructors

Skills you will gain

Core Java
Advanced Java
Rest APIs
Spring MVC Framework
Wikipedia Fetcher
Multithreaded Crawling
Build Twitter

100% Online

Online Live Interactive + Recorded Sessions

15 Online Live Interactive

In case you miss any online live session, watch same as recorded

25 Recorded Video Sessions

Watch recorded sessions to clear concepts and work on assignments.

7-8 weeks duration

percent guarantee to learn Java from basic to expert level. Covering each topic with best example practices.

Whatsapp Group For Discussions

Reach out team members of batch, best coders and instructors

Course : Java A to Z + Full Stack Development


Core Java : Installations

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Installing the JDK
Running a Java Program
Downloading IntelIJ
Daily practice exercise

Core Java : Introduction to Java - Variable & Arrays

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Data Types
Multidimensional Arrays
Getting User Input
Daily practice exercise

Core Java : Practicing on Hackerrank

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Java 1D Array
Java 2D Array
Java Subarray
Daily practice exercise

Core Java : Operators, Control Statements, Loops

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Math Operators
Increment Operators
Logical Operators
Conditional Operators
If Statement
Switch Statement
For Loops
While Loop
Do while Loops
Daily practice exercise

Core Java : Practicing on Hackerrank

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Java Stdin and Stdout I
Java If-Else
Java Stdin and Stdout II
Java Loops I
Java Loops II
Java End-of-file
Daily practice exercise

Core Java : Maths, Strings & Date

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Random Number Generator
String methods
toString, length, substring, indexOf, charAt, toUpperCase, toLowerCase, compareTo
Date and Epoch Time
Daily practice exercise

Core Java : Practicing on Hackerrank

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Java Int to String
Java Strings Introduction
Java Substring
Java Substring Comparisons
Java String Reverse
Java Anagrams
Daily practice exercise

Advanced Java : Data Structures

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Daily practice exercise

Advanced Java : Practicing on Hackerrank

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Java Arraylist
Java 1D Array (Part 2)
Java List
Java Map
Daily practice exercise

Advanced Java : Data Structures

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Priority Queue
Daily practice exercise

Advanced Java : Practicing on Hackerrank

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Java Stack
Java Sort
Java Priority Queue
Daily practice exercise

Advanced Java : OOPs and Exception Handling

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Class and Objects
Public, Private and this
Daily practice exercise

Advanced Java : OOPs and Exception Handling

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Abstract Class
Method Overriding
Exception Handling (Try-catch)
Exception Handling
Singleton Pattern
Daily practice exercise

Advanced Java : Practicing on Hackerrank

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Java Inheritance I
Java Inheritance II
Java Abstract Class
Java Interface
Java Method Overriding
Java Method Overriding 2 (Super Keyword)
Java Exception Handling (Try-catch)
Java Exception Handling
Java Singleton Pattern
Daily practice exercise

Advanced Java : Creating Project - Knowing about IDE

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
How to debug
How to setup environment
Creating Project
Daily practice exercise

Advanced Java : File, Thread & Networking

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
File Handling
Get, Post request
Daily practice exercise

Advanced Java : Mini Project- Word Top Frequency Analyser

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Reading files
Using data structures
Finding top keywords
Daily practice exercise

Advanced Java : Dependencies using Gson & Json

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
How to add dependencies
What is Json and Gson ?
Converting objects to Gson
Converting Gson to objects
Daily practice exercise

Advanced Java : Parsing Html

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Learning about Jsoup
Running selecting queries
Daily practice exercise

Mini Project - Wikipedia Fetcher using Advanced Java

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Search Word
Get information from wikipedia
Display to user
Daily practice exercise

Database : Setting up database

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Setting up Postgres
Setting up Pg Admin
Daily practice exercise

Database : Using JOOQ - Connecting Database

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Why JOOQ ?
How to setup ?
Connect with database
Create, Update, Delete
Running queries
Daily practice exercise

Mini Project - Multithreaded Crawling using Advanced Java

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Picking links from file
Making multi-threaded network requests
Dumping data
Daily practice exercise


1 video ( Around 1 hour )
What is REST APIS ?
HTTP Headers##
Daily practice exercise

Backend using Spring MVC - Getting Started

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
The DispatcherServlet
What is Model
What is View
What is Controller
Daily practice exercise

Backend : Explaining Configurations

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Application Properties
Profiles in IDE
Knowing about static resources
Daily practice exercise

Backend : Building first REST API

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Creating Controller
Creating Entity/Model classes
Creating Views using jsp
Daily practice exercise

Backend : Running first REST API

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Setting up Jetty server
Making GET/POST request to server
Requesting for HTML
Requesting for JSON
Daily practice exercise

Backend : Building Twitter - Sign Up Page

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Creating sign up page
Learning javascript concepts
Adding Member details to Database
Learning about interceptors
Learning about cookies
Daily practice exercise

Backend : Building Twitter - Login Page

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Learning javascript concepts
Authenticating user
Handling login failure
Redirecting to welcome page
Daily practice exercise

Backend : Building Twitter - Profile Page

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Update details
Uploading photo
Daily practice exercise

Backend : Building Twitter - Create First Tweet

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Setting up UI interaction
Using more javascript
Updating user profile
Daily practice exercise

Backend : Building Twitter - Home Feed

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Fetching users feed from database
Adding LOAD MORE option
Adding like option to tweet
Handling unlike
Daily practice exercise

Backend : Building Twitter - Adding Follower

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Adding follow option on other's profile
Adding follow option on HOME FEED
Daily practice exercise

Backend : Building Twitter - Using CDN & Redis

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
Making APIs faster ? How ?
What is CDN ?
What is Redis ?
Daily practice exercise

Interview Tips & Closure of Course

1 video ( Around 1 hour )
How to explore more
More tips on projects
Final words from team
Daily practice exercise
Read Reviews Chevron Right

Top reviews for Java A to Z + FSD

Ayush Poptani, 4th Year, GCOE Amravati

I was always intrigued by the concept of developing applications but until college I thought it was all about learning only a single programming language and coding your way till the app was developed. As I got in my 1st year, I got to know it was never that straightforward and simple. I began learning different things on my own but for some reason, was unable to do it thoroughly. There were so many things to learn for creating just a simple web app. It was very overwhelming for me. Years passed by and my interest was fading as there was so much to learn. Then I came accross the FSD course by Coding Mafia. I decided to take it as my college was vacated due to this pandemic and I had free time. under 1 week, I realised the potential the course had and knew I made the best decision by enrolling. I can't say enough about my mentor for the course, Rishabh Jain. He literally dedicates himself to all of us. After my course in FSD, I can surely say that I can quickly adapt to technologies from different aspects without panicking. I've certainly gained a lot of confidence in my programming and will surely improve them to reach where I wanna be.

Siddharth, 2nd Year,KIIT Bhubaneswar

Before I was very confused about how to crack product based Company , what kind of projects are needed for a good resume , what skills should I learn to boost my knowledge. There are thousands of learning resources available on internet for Full stack development, so which should be better for me. And most important which language I should prefer while making projects. But After joing FSD course by coding mafia, I got answers to all my questions. I made 2 minor project and 1 major project. I got a gold badge in java in just 1st week of the course. I made a Clone of Twiiter with all its functionality in just 7-8 weeks of course. It was a awesome experience overall for me. This helped me to choose my career path and also made me more focus to crack a Product based Company.

Shreyansh jain,2nd Year,TMU

Before the Course I have nothing knowledge about Java and how to deal with backend and how to everything things works eventually in collge i was going with c++ but its great after completion of course i cleared my these concept step by step ,now i feel very much good ?.

Ajay Gupta,3rd year,MSIT

Before joining FSD course I am not confident on my development skills. Technology and concept that I learn in this course increase my confident in development after every session I am excited for next session to learn something new. Also I got very advanced projects to add in my resume.

Soumyadeep,2nd year,Kiit Bhubaneswar

"Before I am in a fear that could I able to code or not since I didn't belong to the coding background. After joining coding mafia coding is now comfortable for me and I have confidence that I can able to code now..."

Ajay Gupta,3rd year,MSIT

Before joining FSD course I am not confident on my development skills. Technology and concept that I learn in this course increase my confident in development after every session I am excited for next session to learn something new. Also I got very advanced projects to add in my resume.

Divyansh LNMIIT 2nd Year

Before FSD I was finding myself in dilemma about which is the best and right path for me because I was unable to choose a domain by myself.But this course provided me a right path on a right time.It was really a great course covering all the topics thoroughly with major part on practical based sessions and applications.


I learned lot many things in Backened Developement

Prakhar Gupta, 3rd Year, NIT Patna

Earlier i was having no or very little knowledge about backend and networking, after the course it is all sorted.

Vivek Vardhan Reddy

After joining FSD course from coding club, I have explored various topics like interacting with backend, PostgreSQL. I started practising problems on hackerank, within few days grabbed gold badge.Also learnt to design a Twitter based project as part of this course.

Utsav Unadkat, 3rd Year, DJSCE Mumbai

Before joining for FSD course I only use to know the term of OOPM and not what they mean or how they work At then end of completion now I not only know how to use these concepts but also learnt few industry practices .

Ashutosh Srivastava,3rd Year,JSSATE Noida

Before I was struggling with java spring,now I am comfortable with creating APIs.

Yash garg,4th ,MNNIT Allahabad

Before this i have not much interest in devlopement part but in this journey or after that i devloped a large interest towards the backend devlovement so thankyou sir for that.

Raj Singh, 3rd year, Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College

Before I was doing competitive coding regularly. After two years of my engineering degree, I really got interested to do some projects and make my resume better. I had many achievements in competitive programming but I have 0 projects at the end of 2nd year. Then I started doing something of my own. I then discovered the Spring framework and generated a huge interest in it. I began seeing videos on youtube but I found it a bit hard to figure out my mistake and lacked proper guidance. I then discovered Coding Mafia Full Stack Development Course by Rishabh Sir. I was in very doubt whether to take this course or not. But then I took and now I am very thankful to God that I got an opportunity to learn from Rishabh Sir.

Rudra,4th year, SRM IST

Before joining this course i had basic knowledge of java and now i can say i have far enough knowledge to crack any java interview..all credit goes to FSD course by Rishabh Jain..

Robin Singh, 4th Year, RIT

Before i wasnt much intrested in Development but now i am.

Akash H R,4th year, DSCE bangalore ,

"Knowing something without using this is same as not knowing it." - Anonymous. Before joining your java fsd course , i knew basic of java but i was not knowing how to implement those concept but after joining ur course i learnt implement of all those basic i knew before and also i learnt basic of html,css ,javascript(JQuery) actually these technologies were new to me. Not only these i also learnt J2EE concepts of servlets,jsp .this two month of course really helped me to learn new new technologies."



Rishabh Jain

CEO/Founder Coding Club India, Ex-Directi, Ex-DTU, Passionate for building tech products, hacking and finding loop holes.

About Coding Club India

Coding Club India is largest community of coders covering colleges across India, connecting coders and mentors. ...

Start Learning Today

The BEST course in Java designed by Coding Mafia team at Coding Club India. Learn Core Java, Advanced Java and Backend Development. BUILD YOUR OWN TWITTER !
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You can share your Course Certificates in the Certifications section of your LinkedIn profile, on printed resumes, CVs, or other documents.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the prerequisites ?

  • Which platform problems will be covered as assignments ?

  • What will be timings of online live interactive sessions?

  • What about extra recorded sessions and assignments ?

  • What is the duration of course ?

  • What will be the expiry of course resource links ?

  • How you will be accessing course and discuss for doubts?

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